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- Graphic Design

- Snowboard

- Study the Word

- Draw

- Photography

- Meet new people

Always creating,

Cameron Jackson 




Currently living in the River North/Near North neighborhood of Chicago, life wasn't always this blessed.  I grew up in a small town near St. Louis and moved to Pittsburgh going into 5th grade. After 2 years there, I moved to suburb outside of Chicago, where my life was really put together.  After seeing so many different places and types of people, I learned a lot and was definitely prepared for that move.


In 2007 I began attending Willow Creek Community Church with my family and made a lot of friends right away, and got involved right away.  This helped shape who I am now a lot.  One night, I saw a really cool image online and learned the term "vector" from it.  I spent hours googling that phrase and finally decided to learn how to make something.  I then downloaded 'Gimp' which was a free photoshop-like program, where I only used very basic technique.  By 2009, I had felt that my skill was worthy to actually be shown, so I e-mailed the creative director, Jesse Oxford, of the High School Ministry "Student Impact" asking if I could volunteer some of my work.  Graciously he responded and I began working on pages for a summer camp booklet, that every student would hold.  

I graduated high school and my artistic ability was shooting through the roof.  I had demolished all 3 of my computer art classes, and already had my work seen by thousands.  I got an e-mail from Jesse around the end of May, asking to meet up.  After this, I began an internship with J. Oxford Studios for the summer, which increased my skill and knowledge 10-fold.  I completed work for him, that was seen by hundreds of thousands of people for all sorts of organizations and groups including: The Global Leadership Summit,,, Student Impact, Willow Creek Community Church, and much more.  I now currently attend Moody Bible Institute, in the heart of downtown Chicago.  My major here is Biblical Studies, but my plan is to continue with this passion.

Who ​​I am​​​


What I like to do:



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